bulbs and other delights
As promised last month I've
included a couple of Dionysia . The lack of bright light during February held
back the flowering of some plants but generally others have been up to three
weeks earlier this year. So to a few plants.
Dionysia archbaldii x MK9202 is a hybrid that produces tiny flowers 6mm in diameter, you can imagine that older plants in good flowering condition are quite stunning. It is important to keep moisture off the plant or it will rot rapidly.
Fritillaria stenanthera is an unusual fritillary from central Asia with predominantly palish-pink flowers. Its one of my favourites, always produces its flowers every year and the seed germinates well. It may be grown outside but may be cut down by frosts. It requires a dry summer.
Iris aucheri may be found in the wild in S E Turkey, N Syria, N Iraq and W Iran. I find it one of the easiest of the Juno ( Subgenus Scorpiris) group of irises. It may be tried outside where if happy it will clump up but careful siting and attention to drainage is required.
Iris kuschakewiczii is from the Tien Shan Mountains of Central Asia and forms part of the willmottiana group of Juno irises. It appears to be easier to grow than pronounce the name but its intense inky blue patch on a lilac blue background is stunning to see on a wet and windy morning.
Don’t forget the Local AGS show in April at Wivelsfield Green Village Hall, Saturday 27th April from 1.30 to 4.00pm, as indicated last month, you really will enjoy it and its free. Some plants you will only see at these shows and you can buy plants if you wish , enjoy a cup of tea and have a go on the Tombola maybe. Further details e mail me
Pollard 21st March 02